Educational Systemics' Vice President of Curriculum Products and Solutions, David Longdon, has been selected to serve as a co-chair of the Schools Interoperability Framework Association's (SIFA) Instructional Services Task Force (ISTF). Within the Framework, the ISTF works to define standardized data objects and elements that directly relate to classroom instruction. During 2008, ISTF will play a key role in refining technical details in the recently announced relationship between SIFA and ADL SCORM, as well as a starting a national curriculum standards data repository that is currently in an early development phase.
SIFA is a unique, non-profit collaboration composed of over 600 schools, districts, states, the U.S. Department of Education, international government agencies, software vendors and consultants who collectively define the rules and regulations for educational software data interoperability. The SIF Specification enables diverse applications to interact and share data efficiently, reliably, and securely regardless of the platform hosting those applications. SIFA has united these education technology end users and providers in an unprecedented effort to give teachers more time to do what they do best: teach.