Educational Systemics' President and Co-Founder, Michael Jay, was elected to a fifth 2-year term on the Schools Interoperability Framework Association Executive Board. His fellow board members later elected him as Co-Chair of that organization's Executive Board. Michael succeeds Doug Hamlin of Versatrans who served in the position for seven years and serves as co-chair with Mitch Benson, Worldwide Director of Education Solutions for Microsoft. SIFA is a unique, non-profit collaboration composed of over 600 schools, districts, states, the U.S. Department of Education, international government agencies, software vendors and consultants who collectively define the rules and regulations for educational software data interoperability. The SIF Specification enables diverse applications to interact and share data efficiently, reliably, and securely regardless of the platform hosting those applications. SIFA has united these education technology end users and providers in an unprecedented effort to give teachers more time to do what they do best: teach.