News and Events


February 7, 2007
Presentation at Education EduCause StateNets Net@EDU Annual Meeting

EdTech Glasnost: The Nuts, Bolts, and Politics of Open Technology in US K-12
Wednesday, February 7, from 9:15am to 10:00am
Presented by Michael Jay, President, Educational Systemics and Co-Director, CoSN Open Technologies Initiative

Mikhail Gorbachev introduced the concept of glasnost, meaning to be open or public, into Soviet Russia in 1985 which led to fundamental change in the governance and opportunities afforded the citizens of that state. Open Technologies hold the same promise for those who sometimes see themselves as living under the tyranny of technologies and associated structures that are imposed on them. In this talk we will explore how this openness extends beyond the idea of Open Source to address, Open Standards, Open Content, and Open Hardware. The opportunities this new openness affords are not without responsibility. We'll discuss key trends and your role in affecting change in our educational infrastructure makes open technologies a sustainable force for that change.